Oh Boy Marathon
Run Connecticut the Easy Way
Please note!
Oh, Boy Marathon 2020 is canceled. If you would like to have a refund, please email your address and correct spelling of your name: iacruz12@sbcglobal.net
Enjoy running, food and fun. This is a runner centered race for runners by
Consultant Gene De Fronzo, more than 700 marathons, 50 States 11 times.
Distances: 13.1 miles, 26.2 miles
USATF Certification Marathon: CT16063JHP Half: CT16064JHP
Date: Memorial Day. Monday, May 25, 2020.
Start Time: 7:00 AM No early start.
Location: Hamilton
Address: 110
Hamilton Park Road, Waterbury, CT 06705
Contact: Race
Director - Ivelisse
Phone: 203-756-7408
Race Limit: Half marathon-100, Marathon-100
Entry Fees:
Half-Marathon: $50 thru 4/30 $75 5/1 thru race day
Marathon: $50 thru 4/30 $75 5/1 thru race day
Registration: ONLINE Registration with Signmeup.com through 5/22/19 (Click here)
Registration closes: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at
10 PM EST.
Note: Runners under 18 years old, must get approval from
ther Race Director and written consent from parents or guardians.
Cancellation Policy:
Race Director reserves the right to cancel the event due to severe weather, flooding, park
closure, or in any other event or situation that could affect the safety of runners,
volunteers, and race staff. If the event is
cancelled, an attempt will be made to reschedule, but there will be no refunds.
Race Day Registration:
Email RD. iacruz12@sbcglobal.net Cash only. Please print out, complete and sign
an application and take it to registration. Be there before 6:15 AM. T-shirts are not
guaranteed on race day sign up.
Registered by April 24, 2020 to guarantee T-shirts size.
After April 24, 2020, t-shirts size are not guaranteed.
Time Limits (Walker and velocity challenged participant
Half-Marathon: 5.5 hours
Marathon: 9.5 hours
Course Description:
2 mile loops Mostly flat with some slight, rolling hills
Half-Marathon: 6.5 loops - Half marathoners cross the common finish line 7 times
Marathon: 13 loops - Marathoners cross the common finish line 14 times.
Course Map:

Free massages
Free pizza
Free coffee and donuts
Packet Pickup:
Sunday, May 24, 2020 at (? TBA) San Marino's Restaurant, 111 Thomaston Ave, Waterbury, CT
Monday, May 27, 2019 at Start /Finish Area Hamilton Park between 6:00 AM-6:30 AM on Race
Pasta Dinner $20 at San Marino's Restaurant, 111 Thomaston Ave, Waterbury, CT
5-8pm Sunday May 24, 2020.
Parking space on Hamilton Park Road
Aid Station:
At each 1.9 Mile Loop (Start/Finish).
Drinks: Water, sports drink, etc.
Snacks: Variety of chips, crackers, candies,
trail mixes.
Fruits: Bananas, Apples.
Bag Drop:
There will be a drop bag location area adjacent to the Aid Station.
On the course near the start/finish area.
Finisher Awards:
Half-Marathon/Marathon Custom designed medal
Pre-Race Announcements:
10 minutes before the start at the STARTING LINE.
We are using chip timing!!
The course is certified. Certification code: Marathon: CT16063JHP Half: CT16064JHP
Results will be available this website.
Course Rules:
Course will
be open to the public during park hours. You should
expect to seewalkers, joggers, baby-strollers, etc. Please share trail with them. Please do NOT run/walk more than 2 abreast. Yield to fast runners passing.
Parking Lot Crossings The race does
not cross any streets; however, there are few intersections at various parking lots. Signs will be posted to make park users aware that
a Race is In Progress.
Please use caution while crossing parking lot entries.
3. Absolutely
no littering
Needed for various shifts and are greatly appreciated.
Please contact Ivelisse 203-756-7408 iacruz12@sbcglobal.net with
your availability and shirt size.
Crews, Family and Friends:
Bring chair to sit and cheer on your runners. There
is a small zoo across the park for your little ones.
Course records:
Marathon: Jake Gillette 2018 2:45:09
Half marathon: Greg Tutolo 2017 1:30:11