
50 States Marathon Club Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 1

From our President Elect...
It’s an exciting time in the world of Long Distance Running with the formation of the new 50 States Marathon Club. More and more runners are intrigued by the notion of running a marathon in each of the 50 States and the Club will certainly be of great value to each one.
I’m particularly pleased that the Club will provide the opportunity for each member to have a say in how the Club functions and how resources are allocated for the benefit of all. Periodic Club "Membership Meetings" are planned where members will vote on issues of importance, the first of which, will be held on November 16 at the Oklahoma Marathon-Tulsa. The first slate of officers will be elected at that meeting and the By Laws approved.
Therefore, I’d like to extend a personal invitation to all Members of the Club to join us in Tulsa on November 16 for the Membership Meeting and also run the marathon the next day. Our web site is, which will provide details on registration and other important information about our race. Many, many members have already registered, and we’d love to have all members come. Remember, this where all members will vote on the slate of officers, the By Laws and other important issues. Our host hotel, the Hilton Southern Hills, still has rooms available at $59 and this is where all meetings and our pre race dinner and program will be held. We expect the largest gathering of 50 Staters ever to run in a marathon together….please don’t miss it.
So, I wish happy and healthy running to everyone. See you in Tulsa!!
Bob Lehew

First Reunion Meeting at Tulsa Friday, 11/16/01
The first official reunion meeting of your new Club will be held before the Oklahoma Marathon at Tulsa on November 16, 2001.
Reunion Schedule:
4:00-5:30 PM 50 States Marathon Club Membership Meeting at Hilton Southern Hills.
5:30-6:30 PM Social Hour in Hilton lobby
6:30-8:30 PM Dinner and program @ host hotel

A section of rooms have been reserved at the Hilton Southern Hills for $59 a night. Such a deal! If you would like to meet more of us face to face, this is the place to do it! All 50 States Marathon Club and 50 & DC Marathon Group members will be admitted. For those of you who are more comfortable with snail mail, contact Bob Lehew at this address:
1510 East 26th Place
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114
Phone Number: (918) 747-6336

Updates and rumor control.
*We have 292 members currently and are growing by leaps and bounds. The format of this newsletter may change as we change and find out how we can best reach our members. If you have given us an e-mail address, you will receive your first issues via e-mail. If you do not have an e-mail address or prefer snail mail, we’ll send your copy via snail mail. Let us know! At this point, we are going with four times a year: July, October, January and April. Comments, statistics, letters, address changes and suggestions may be sent to: or
50 States Marathon Club
50 States Marathon Club
P.O.Box 15638
Houston,  TX  77220-5638
*The DC requirement is not applicable to the 50 States Marathon Club.
*Members have made comments about the rules involved in this Club. Our reasoning is that rules may help us avoid arbitrary decisions. They may also prevent some cheating or rumored cheating.
*The 50 States Board will meet at Stowe, Vermont the weekend of September 9. This is the first face to face meeting of our board. With that in mind, only Board members are invited to the meeting. The current Board will remain in place until the membership elects new Board members at Tulsa in November 2001.
*We deeply mourn the passing of Joyce Hockensmith Boytim and Ed Buckalew this year. They will be sorely missed.
Suggestions and Volunteers:
No great club survives without volunteers! How can you volunteer? Well...
*Help pick and work on reunion runs
*Keep and turn in your statistics, milestones, etc.
*Be a newsletter reporter for marathon events
*Organize for the next quarterly meeting
*Work on the Rules Committee
*Work on the Membership Committee
*Work on the Club Merchandise Committee
*Take photos as Club Photographer
*Volunteer for the Board of Directors
Also, offer suggestions of items that you think might benefit the Club. Let us know what you would like to see in quarterly newsletters. Remember that there are 292 tough, creative and experienced runners offering ideas, so don’t be upset if you don’t see your suggestion utilized immediately.

Club Clothing
These items are currently available.
T-shirt (short sleeved cotton) $17 ($15+$2 mailing)
Singlet (Dri-release) $20 ($18+$2 mailing)
Short sleeve t-shirt (Dri-release) $23 ($21+$2 mailing)
Long sleeve t-shirt (Dri-release) $27 ($25+$2 mailing)
Specify finisher, non/finisher, or support crew in your order. Clearly indicate the item, quantity, and enclose a check for the amount above to:
50 States Marathon Club
P.O.Box 15638
Houston, TX 77220-5638
Business cards are in the planning stages. We will have these available by the Reunion Meeting at Tulsa. There will be a blank space for YOUR name; each member will be issued 25 cards; more can be ordered. ADVERTISE! Wear our shirt, and when someone requests information, give them a card!

Our website,, is provided at no cost to the Club or Club members. Whenever you have updated statistics, have completed a milestone or have news about a Club member’s accomplishment, send it in!
Charlie Nelson
Dottie Duncan
Tom Detore
Bill Whipp
Walter Prescott
Brenton Floyd
Brian Fredricks
Letters Forum:
This section will feature your letters or comments. Keep them brief, please!

Copyright © 2001   50 States Marathon Club   
All rights reserved.